Media Design

Museums and attractions around the world rely on Squint/Opera and our unique approach to using digital media to actively engage their audience within a physical space beyond the traditional approach of exhibit display. The goal of media design is to immerse the audience in content in a way that can resonate on a deeper level. We view successful media design as a tool for knowledge transfer and not just aesthetics.

Working directly with curators, exhibit designers and attraction operators we focus on outcomes that will move the needle on their goals such as increasing footfall, improving engagement, reaching a younger audience, communicating difficult subject matter or helping to create that blockbuster showpiece.

We help our clients to concept the use of media at the very earliest stages of the project. Exploring the optimal user journey, developing a narrative that coincides with that journey  and considering the placement of media pieces that will reinforce that narrative and enhance the overall experience.

  • “The state-of-the-art Space Dome offers every visitor an immersive audio-visual experience with a specially commissioned film about the history of Jodrell Bank, narrated by Professor Brian Cox.”

    View Case Study
  • “France Opens La Cité du Vin, an Entire Museum Dedicated to Wine”

    Architects Digest View Case Study
  • “A toast to centuries of tradition at Buckfast Abbey's new state of the art visitors centre, increasing visitor numbers by over 100%”

    View Case Study